Saturday, April 16, 2011

Current State of my Glyph Market

Sorry for missing posts the last two days. I have been really busy with life and couldn't even log on. I was buying and selling with the Mobile Ah (which needs to be rid of the 200 transactions a day limit >.<). Anywho, here is what I have written for today.

The auction house cut is 5% of the price your auction sold at (winning bid). So if I 
sell my all of my glyphs at my threshold (29g99s99c), then the AH cut is 1g49s99c. 
Meaning I will make 28g50s, plus my deposit of 1s. At 1.33 glyphs as a minimum per 
stack of 20, or 4 glyphs per 3 stacks (I always buy herbs in an amount of stacks 
divisible by 3), then for every 3 stacks of herbs I can get a minimum of 114g. 
Which means that any stack of herbs that is more than 38g will result in a loss, at 
the minimum glyph/stack ratio. Stacks that I buy at 28g50s will be a loss for the 
first 3 glyphs (because of the cost of parchments) and profitable (although very 
minimally) for the 4th glyph. 114 gold for a 25g profit is not that bad of a number 
in the grand scheme of things, however. And that is at the bare minimum, assuming I 
only get 2 pigments per mill and don't get any uncommon pigments. Considering the 
odds for that happening are extremely low (no math on this however), I will 
definitely be making a greater profit than 25g at those prices for herbs.I'm also 
considering converting another character into a glyph bank, because of the sheer 
volume of glyphs I sell. Have each of them manage 5 classes in the glyph system. 
I think that'll be a project for this weekend. My friends and I all also started 
new toons on a brand new server to cap at 70 for BC raiding. I'm going to try and 
make a small fortune on that character as well in the weeks to come. If I find 
interesting ways to make some cash, I will definitely post up on here for you all 
to read.
Also, share with your friends! I'm going to try to update this regularly and 
hope to get a small number of readers. I'm very good at math, and albeit this math 
in today's post is very simple, I'm sure I will run into some more difficult math 
down the road that I will share. Good day, and good luck in all of your endeavors! 

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